Needs analysis and transformation

Accelerate X is our pioneering approach to lower limb management – made available to NHS organisations for the very first time. This ‘Accelerate in a box’ is our ready-to-go approach to transformative care that’s been designed with the real-world needs of organisations like yours and your patients in mind.  

Start at the very beginning: a two-pronged approach

We know there is an urgent need to provide tomorrow’s solution today. We also know that getting the foundation right is fundamental to the success of every programme we undertake. That’s why Accelerate X starts with analysis of your organisation and health population so that we can give you the best solution for local service delivery – one that that works for your organisation, your staff and your population.

Setting out on a journey of change

Before embarking on our two-pronged introductory programme, we make sure that the fit between your organisation – our way of working and your aspiration – is a good one. As with any programme of transformation, there is a need to be prepared for change and the initial challenges that will bring.  A big part of this is getting system and stakeholder engagement from the off. We’re here to help you navigate these initial stages and will work with you to ensure your organisation is ready to embrace the change that this transformative programme of care requires.

Measuring success

Setting out on any significant programme of change means that it is critically important to have a good understanding of your baseline. That’s why we offer not just an in-depth analysis of your dressing expenditure but a systems based audit. Bringing these two initiatives together means we can join the dots across community and primary care to give you insights into the reality of what is happening in your local heath economy. Crucially, it also gives you a blueprint for a change programme – one that is guaranteed to deliver results both in terms of resource management and patient outcomes.

Discover more

To find out more about how Accelerate X could help transform your approach to lower limb management, get in contact with us today.

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